Are you looking to cancel your Fragrant Jewels membership or subscription? We understand that circumstances change, and you may no longer wish to continue with their services. Fortunately, cancelling your Fragrant Jewels membership or subscription is a straightforward process. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to cancel Fragrant Jewels.
Option 1: Cancel Inner Circle Membership
- Log in to your Fragrant Jewels account on their website.
- Locate and click on the Cancel button in your member portal.
- Follow the instructions provided to complete the cancellation process.
Option 2: Cancel Order, Membership or Subscription
- If you want to cancel a specific order, Fragrant Jewels membership, or Subscription, you can email Fragrant Jewels at
or call them at (855)550-1129. - Provide them with the necessary details , and they will assist you with the cancellation process.
It’s important to note that cancellation policies may vary depending on the type of membership or subscription you have with Fragrant Jewels. Make sure to check the terms and conditions of your membership or subscription for specific cancellation instructions.
Remember, if you have any questions or concerns about cancelling your Fragrant Jewels membership or subscription, don’t hesitate to reach out to their customer service. They are there to assist you with the process and address any inquiries you may have.